On April 14, 2016, the Polish Parliament has passed the final version of the law concerning the trade in agricultural land.
This law brings far-reaching consequences, not only for the farming sector. Because of the adopted definition of the agricultural property, its scope of application is very wide and includes practically all properties, marked as agricultural in the land registry. Apart from the exceptions, stipulated in the law, the purchaser of such properties can be only an individual farmer or a person, who undertakes to conduct personally agricultural activity on the purchased land.
This excludes practically the use of the agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes. The exception has been made for the properties, for which, on the day of entry into force of the law, the final decision on building conditions has been issued.
The way to enable the development of new agricultural parcels is passing by the community spatial development plans. This is however a long-lasting and expensive process. It is to assume that only the most determined investors will have the appropriate means to persuade the community to draw up a plan enabling to execute the planned investment.